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Bräuer, Gerd (2016): Konzeptuelle Überlegungen zur Ausrichtung von Schreibzentren als Lernzentren. In: Ballweg, Sandra [Hrsg.]: Schreibberatung und Schreibförderung: Impulse aus Theorie, Empirie und Praxis. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, S.337-360.
Peer tutoring – Students support students
With the new peer-to-peer writing consultation by students for students, the Writing Center’s services are being expanded to include a particularly easily accessible format. But what exactly is the idea behind it – and how does peer tutoring complement the teaching and learning culture at TH Cologne?
Hand schreibt mit einem Kugelschreiber auf einem Block.
Practicing writing skills with the One-Minute-Paper
Gaining the ability to write scientific texts, students need to acquire academic expertise: What are the requirements for academic writing? How do I quote correctly? Et cetera. The students’ writing success also depends largely on their practical knowledge, that is, the gathered experiences and the resulting routines. From the perspective of writing didactics, it is,…
Foto. Hände schreiben in ein Notizbuch, welches auf einem Tisch liegt. Laptop und Kaffeetasse stehen daneben.
How to prompt writing with the Blitz-Exposé
Some prepare their texts meticulously before they even write the first word. Others simply start writing and develop their thoughts as they write. In this article, we will explain how your students can find a balance between these approaches by introducing them to the benefits of an exposé.

We appreciate your feedback!

When developing this offer, we tried to include you as a teacher in advance. We would therefore be delighted if you would help us to further improve our offer. Please let us know what you would like, what bothers you or what you particularly like. Would you like to contact us directly? Then write to us at!