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Practicing writing skills with the One-Minute-Pape..

Gaining the ability to write scientific texts, students need to acquire academic expertise: What are the requirements for academic writing? How do I quote correctly? Et cetera. The students’ writing success also depends largely on their practical knowledge, that is, the gathered experiences and the resulting routines. From the perspective of writing didactics, it is,…
Bildschirmfoto der Startseite von Oncoo mit den Möglichkeiten:, „Code eingeben, um ein existierendes Oncoo aufzurufen“, „Als Lehrer*in oder Lehrer aufrufen“, „Als Schülerin oder Schüler teilnehmen“ oder „Mehr erfahren oder ein neues Oncoo zu erstellen“.


The digital toolbox ONCOO offers you different methods for collaborative and interactive learning. From brainstorming to evaluation, it allows you to actively involve your students in the course. We will show you how the tool works.
Bildschirmfoto. Ansicht von zwei Fragen, die anonym über die Anwendung gestellt wurden.

In the question rooms of, students can ask questions anonymously without registering and only with a code. We explain how to set up and use the browser-based tool to break down inhibitions and answer questions for everyone.

How competence orientation succeeds in teaching

Competence-oriented teaching focuses the entire learning process on guiding students in the actual application of their knowledge. Learning Outcomes are defined in such a way that, in addition to mere subject knowledge (knowing what), its application, further development, and use (knowing how) are also integrated into the teaching. From the beginning, fair and valid assessment…

How to transfer Good Practices

Didactic design patterns (also known as patterns) document good practices in teaching. They are based on experience gained from teaching practice. The structured form of patterns allows tried and tested solutions to recurring problems to be described and published in an easily understandable way. As a result, they make good practices visible and offer a…
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Using Lego® Serious Play® at university

The iconic Lego® building bricks not only evoke positive childhood memories but can also form the basis for creative courses, co-creative curriculum development, or transformative university processes. Discover how the toys of childhood can now improve collaboration and communication at work.

TIB AV-Portal

The TIB AV-Portal is a platform for scientific videos and open-access audiovisual learning and teaching materials. The portal offers the possibility of making videos easily accessible and quotable. Based on Creative Commons licensing, many materials on TIB AV can be downloaded and reused.


Twillo is the Lower Saxony platform for Open Education Resources in university teaching, on which a cross-state collaboration with is now taking place. Here, you will find infrastructure and support for free educational materials from various topics and subject areas. Teachers can find suitable materials on twillo or publish their own media.
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Digital teaching terms

Online, hybrid, blended, flipped … digital teaching knows many variations. For example, it can be completely online or a combination of classroom and online formats. We will illustrate the differences and provide orientation.


Repeat teaching content in a playful way, test knowledge or let your students create a quiz themselves. With Kahoot! you have many opportunities to activate your students and promote the learning process.
Teaching strategy
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Using Open Educational Resources in Teaching

Open Educational Resources (OER) are freely available teaching materials that you may use for your events. Here you can find out where to find OER and under what conditions you can modify and use them for your purposes.

How competence orientation succeeds in teaching

Competence-oriented teaching focuses the entire learning process on guiding students in the actual application of their knowledge. Learning Outcomes are defined in such a way that, in addition to mere subject knowledge (knowing what), its application, further development, and use (knowing how) are also integrated into the teaching. From the beginning, fair and valid assessment…


On the virtual whiteboard Miro, you can work interactively and synchronously with your students, regardless of location. We will show you how to use the tool to combine media, collect ideas together and develop concepts.

Diversity-Conscious Teaching

Diversity and its appreciation are an essential part of the university’s self-image and thus also of the teaching and learning culture at the TH Köln. We accompany you on your way to a more diversity-conscious teaching and working environment.

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When developing this offer, we tried to include you as a teacher in advance. We would therefore be delighted if you would help us to further improve our offer. Please let us know what you would like, what bothers you or what you particularly like. Would you like to contact us directly? Then write to us at!