Accessible teaching
Accessibility improves your teaching! This fact is often forgotten because the focus is on the presumed additional expense. Besides, there do not seem to be any students affected in your course anyway – so the topic cannot be that important. In fact, you can create accessible conditions more easily than you might think. This will help you break down barriers – even those that you are not necessarily aware of. In this article, you can find out what you can do and where you can find support.

In a nutshell: What is accessibility and what are barriers in teaching?
Legal basis
Buildings and other facilities, means of transport, technical commodities, information processing systems, acoustic and visual information sources and communication facilities as well as other designed areas of life are considered accessible if they can be found, accessed, and used by people with disabilities in the usual way, without particular difficulty and in principle without assistance. The use of disability-related aids is permitted.
Act on Equal Opportunities for People with Disabilities, BGG § 4 Accessibility
Other laws and conventions define the legal basis for accessibility, including the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Art. 24), the German Constitution (Art. 3, Section 3), and the German Social Code (Section 1 SGB IX).
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