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Bildschirmfoto der Anwendung PINGO. Eine Umfrage wurde gestellt und die Teilnehmeranzahl sowie Anzahl der gewählten Antwortmöglichkeiten ist sichtbar.
Have your students submit feedback or answer questions immediately. The real-time feedback system PINGO allows you to actively involve students in your course. We will show you how to use the tool.
Bildschirmfoto der Startseite von Oncoo mit den Möglichkeiten:, „Code eingeben, um ein existierendes Oncoo aufzurufen“, „Als Lehrer*in oder Lehrer aufrufen“, „Als Schülerin oder Schüler teilnehmen“ oder „Mehr erfahren oder ein neues Oncoo zu erstellen“.
The digital toolbox ONCOO offers you different methods for collaborative and interactive learning. From brainstorming to evaluation, it allows you to actively involve your students in the course. We will show you how the tool works.
Feedback in teaching
Since John Hattie’s meta-study “Visible Learning” was translated into German in 2013, one topic has become an integral part of the debate about our education system: feedback. But what is feedback and what is not?
Why evaluate teaching – and how does that work with TAP?
For students to learn successfully, teaching must be appropriately designed. Likewise, students should take responsibility for their own learning process. This means that students themselves are very good at judging how teaching should be designed for them. For this reason, there are regular evaluations at the TH Cologne that make the quality of teaching visible…
Bildschirmfoto. Ansicht von zwei Fragen, die anonym über die Anwendung gestellt wurden.
In the question rooms of, students can ask questions anonymously without registering and only with a code. We explain how to set up and use the browser-based tool to break down inhibitions and answer questions for everyone.

We appreciate your feedback!

When developing this offer, we tried to include you as a teacher in advance. We would therefore be delighted if you would help us to further improve our offer. Please let us know what you would like, what bothers you or what you particularly like. Would you like to contact us directly? Then write to us at!