Portfolios allow students to reflect on content, deepen their knowledge, and further develop their writing processes. THspaces helps teachers to structure portfolio work, make results visible, and encourage student exchange.
Are you wondering which teaching and learning platform is right for you? You are not satisfied with your current platform and are looking for an alternative? Do you want to combine the best functions of two platforms and don’t know how? This article provides an overview of the interaction between the existing teaching and learning…
ILU stands for ILIAS learning environment and is the central learning management system of TH Cologne. ILU offers numerous functions for learning support and interactive learning, communication, and collaboration. Faculty or institution-internal digital teaching expert teams (DLE teams) advise and support the technical and didactic development of digital teaching in ILU and form the interface…
Intuitive, contemporary and student-centric, the THspaces offer individual (digital) spaces for teaching, research and projects. Find out here how you can set up and adapt your spaces for exchange and collaboration thanks to the modular structure.