Michéle Seidel (M.A.) is a research assistant at the Center for Academic Development at the TH Köln University of Applied Sciences with a focus on hybrid/digital teaching, social online learning environments, science communication and research.
Portfolios allow students to reflect on content, deepen their knowledge, and further develop their writing processes. THspaces helps teachers to structure portfolio work, make results visible, and encourage student exchange.
Project-based learning is more than just teamwork. Using this university teaching method, students can learn from the diversity of their group members and, at the same time, contribute their skills and ideas.
How can group work be implemented effectively? As a teacher, you can use digital tools to encourage student exchange and help students achieve productive results.
Teaching basic knowledge and still working intensively with students? Flipped Classroom makes it possible. Students work through material individually and independently at home so that you, as the teacher, can use the classroom time for repetition, practice, and application of acquired knowledge.
As a teacher, how can I create a teaching and learning space where everyone feels comfortable? There is certainly no universal solution to this problem. However, engaging with diverse identities and one’s own stereotypes can dismantle discriminatory structures and unconscious preconceptions. In the following article, you will learn how to ensure gender-sensitive teaching.
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is an approach to researching one’s own teaching. With SoTL, you can make a significant contribution to advancing teaching practice through your scientific findings.
Are you wondering which teaching and learning platform is right for you? You are not satisfied with your current platform and are looking for an alternative? Do you want to combine the best functions of two platforms and don’t know how? This article provides an overview of the interaction between the existing teaching and learning…
Online, hybrid, blended, flipped … digital teaching knows many variations. For example, it can be completely online or a combination of classroom and online formats. We will illustrate the differences and provide orientation.
In the lecture hall, at home, or at a different location – offering hybrid courses, i.e., simultaneously at the university and online, allows you to reach all your students regardless of their location. This way, even those unable to attend in person due to personal obstacles can follow your teaching.
As in a virtual workspace, many teaching and learning settings can be mapped and (agile) projects managed in Microsoft Teams. Get an overview of Teams’ communication and collaboration options.
When developing this offer, we tried to include you as a teacher in advance. We would therefore be delighted if you would help us to further improve our offer. Please let us know what you would like, what bothers you or what you particularly like.Would you like to contact us directly? Then write to us at lehrpfade@th-koeln.de!
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