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TIB AV-Portal
The TIB AV-Portal is a platform for scientific videos and open-access audiovisual learning and teaching materials. The portal offers the possibility of making videos easily accessible and quotable. Based on Creative Commons licensing, many materials on TIB AV can be downloaded and reused.
TH Cologne offers its students and employees their own access to a Large Language Model: The THKI GPT-Lab. Based on an API interface, lecturers, academic staff, students and administrative staff can send requests to ChatGPT – free of charge and in compliance with data protection regulations.
Artificial intelligence is already a factor at many universities. With the vast number of applications, teachers can quickly become overwhelmed. In addition, it is often not clear how good individual applications actually are. We present a selection of AI tools for various areas of application at the university.
Bildschirmfoto der Startseite von Oncoo mit den Möglichkeiten:, „Code eingeben, um ein existierendes Oncoo aufzurufen“, „Als Lehrer*in oder Lehrer aufrufen“, „Als Schülerin oder Schüler teilnehmen“ oder „Mehr erfahren oder ein neues Oncoo zu erstellen“.
The digital toolbox ONCOO offers you different methods for collaborative and interactive learning. From brainstorming to evaluation, it allows you to actively involve your students in the course. We will show you how the tool works.
Bildschirmfoto der Startseite von ILU.
ILU – ILIAS Learning Environment
ILU stands for ILIAS learning environment and is the central learning management system of TH Cologne. ILU offers numerous functions for learning support and interactive learning, communication, and collaboration. Faculty or institution-internal digital teaching expert teams (DLE teams) advise and support the technical and didactic development of digital teaching in ILU and form the interface…
Repeat teaching content in a playful way, test knowledge or let your students create a quiz themselves. With Kahoot! you have many opportunities to activate your students and promote the learning process.
Bildschirmfoto der verschiedenen Vorlagen für ein Padlet: „Wand“, „Leindwand“, „Liste“, „Storyboard“, „Regal“, „Unterhaltung“, „Karte“, „Timeline“.
Padlet is a collaborative web platform that allows you collect information from various sources. With Padlet, students participate actively by sharing notes, links, images, and videos—collaborative work becomes child’s play. Learn how you can use the tool to involve students more, but also how you can use Padlet for your own work organization.
With Mentimenter, students can answer questions online or vote on issues – very easily and completely anonymously. Learn in this article how to use the tool to involve students interactively and in real time in your teaching.

We appreciate your feedback!

When developing this offer, we tried to include you as a teacher in advance. We would therefore be delighted if you would help us to further improve our offer. Please let us know what you would like, what bothers you or what you particularly like. Would you like to contact us directly? Then write to us at!