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Bildschirmfoto. Ansicht von zwei Fragen, die anonym über die Anwendung gestellt wurden.
In the question rooms of, students can ask questions anonymously without registering and only with a code. We explain how to set up and use the browser-based tool to break down inhibitions and answer questions for everyone.
Zoom has a wide range of features for interactive events in digital and hybrid teaching. We will show you how to use the video conferencing tool to plan and implement digital events, broadcast presentations, share content and work collaboratively online.
Microsoft Teams
As in a virtual workspace, many teaching and learning settings can be mapped and (agile) projects managed in Microsoft Teams. Get an overview of Teams’ communication and collaboration options.
Intuitive, contemporary and student-centric, the THspaces offer individual (digital) spaces for teaching, research and projects. Find out here how you can set up and adapt your spaces for exchange and collaboration thanks to the modular structure.
With PowerPoint you can do more than just create and present slides. We will show you how you can use PowerPoint as a recording tool for instructional videos with a sound card, microphone, speakers and (if necessary) a webcam without any additional equipment.
On the virtual whiteboard Miro, you can work interactively and synchronously with your students, regardless of location. We will show you how to use the tool to combine media, collect ideas together and develop concepts.

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