Simulations and educational games are potent tools in higher education teaching and can be used to create experimental learning environments. They allow students to try out and learn complex concepts and skills through interactive experiences in a safe environment.
Some prepare their texts meticulously before they even write the first word. Others simply start writing and develop their thoughts as they write. In this article, we will explain how your students can find a balance between these approaches by introducing them to the benefits of an exposé.
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is an approach to researching one’s own teaching. With SoTL, you can make a significant contribution to advancing teaching practice through your scientific findings.
Are you wondering which teaching and learning platform is right for you? You are not satisfied with your current platform and are looking for an alternative? Do you want to combine the best functions of two platforms and don’t know how? This article provides an overview of the interaction between the existing teaching and learning…
For students to learn successfully, teaching must be appropriately designed. Likewise, students should take responsibility for their own learning process. This means that students themselves are very good at judging how teaching should be designed for them. For this reason, there are regular evaluations at the TH Cologne that make the quality of teaching visible…
Online, hybrid, blended, flipped … digital teaching knows many variations. For example, it can be completely online or a combination of classroom and online formats. We will illustrate the differences and provide orientation.
Participating in courses online, regardless of location, has long been possible and often makes sense—for example, for students who are temporarily or permanently unable to participate physically due to personal restrictions. In addition, if there is limited space at the university, it is easier if courses that are suitable are broadcast (in full or as…
In the lecture hall, at home, or at a different location – offering hybrid courses, i.e., simultaneously at the university and online, allows you to reach all your students regardless of their location. This way, even those unable to attend in person due to personal obstacles can follow your teaching.
Moving images, if put together well, can often be timeless. Die Sendung mit der Maus (The Show with the Mouse) or Löwenzahn (Dandelion) have shown that videos also work very well when teaching skills. In this guide you will find out which possibilities you have for your own educational/instructional videos and why you—in part—already have…
In research-based learning, students investigate subject-related research topics and gain insights that may also be relevant to others. Learn how to integrate research-based learning into your teaching in this post.